This month Dave Fourie (VO384) along with Lana will have been members of VOG for seven years! Introduced by Corrie & Cathy Janse van Rensburg, Dawid was taken into membership with his Suzuki Boulevard by Dave Davy on the 14th January 2013 and the couple have served as faithful members since, with Dawid as principal member and Lana as his regular pillion.
Dave is a product of the Technical High School in Potchefstroom and the couple are based in Boksburg, Gauteng – where they are members of the East Rand cell.
Dave & Lana are regular attendees of the Gauteng breakfast runs, have participated in numerous rallies and have completed many of the VOG challenges. With Lana as his beloved co-worker and assistant, Dave currently fills the portfolio of Challenge Master, having taken over the role from previous VOG president Corrie Janse van Rensburg.

Dave’s work as Field Service Representative for a leading German international industrial engineering company takes him into Africa on a regular basis. On his travels, his passion for the Vee Owners Group is never far from his heart – with his well-travelled VOG cap always on hand for a special photograph!

Dawid Fourie pictured below in the vicinity of Saqqara - a village of northern Egypt near Cairo. It is the site of the oldest Egyptian pyramids, including the Step Pyramid built round about 2650-2580 BC.

A charming gentle giant – yet a man of discipline, Dave has always enjoyed his role as sweep for group formation rides. He qualified as a formation officer and was presented with his FMO Certificate at the Bike Shop Run by Cobber Eben Coetzee in Boksburg on the 18th August 2019.

With all the requirements for a management role within the club having been met, it was a unanimous decision by EXCO to promote Dave Fourie to the role of VOG’s Vice President, a position held previously by Werner Britz until he was elected to VOG’s presidency in July 2019.
At the Legends Run in Parys on the 15th Sept 2019, it was a great moment when Werner was able to welcome Dave as VOG’s second VP.

With Werner being out of town from time to time, there is often a need for the Vice President to assume the duties and responsibilities of the President.
While Cobber Eben Coetzee was instrumental in the setting up of VOG's fantastic attendance of the Rebel 500 Run held in Bloemfontein during November last year, it was a proud moment when both Eben and Dave could accept the trophy for the largest club represented at the event.

It was at the Kraalkop Run held on the 5th Jan this year, that Dave had to stand in once again for Werner and was able to present both Danie & Driekie Nienaber with their 4-Point Star medallions that they had earned during the December holiday break.

We are maybe a contradiction to other club structures where leaders are often just figureheads; but it is without a doubt that VOG’s presidency and vice-presidency have been associated from day one with hard work and tireless husband & wife team effort in the service of the Vee Owners Group.
Thanks Dave & Kia, Corrie & Cathy, Werner & Sonnika and now Dave & Lana for your dedication and love for VOG.