VOG brings together mature owners of big vee-engined motorcycles, whether V-Twin or V-Four. Internationally, we share a common interest and enjoy group outings where we connect with like-minded enthusiasts in the enjoyment of our motorcycles.
As an owner's group - VOG is not a local weekend biking club and does not attempt to compete for that format of membership.
Ownership qualifies you for membership and we do not discriminate on the basis of motorcycle branding, race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
No obligation is imposed on our members to participate in group activities - thus allowing individuals to live their biking experience and participate as they see fit and as their time allows. We do not impose waiting periods for the awarding of colours and do not have any system of seniority amongst the membership. Every applicant that qualifies for membership is assigned an individualised VO number that continues with him or her for life.
VOG's greatest assets lie in the membership. We find that those who have become a part of the group, carry their colours with pride and are always ready to participate and help make VOG a wholesome and respected biking organisation.
If you are considering membership, do you have doubts about fitting in? Well it really all depends on you... friendships are made because you are friendly and approachable and the best way ever to earn a place in the community is to show pride in what VOG stands for, to be a builder and give something of yourself to the group effort.

VOG has regular breakfast or brunch run days in Gauteng and Cape Town, consisting of an organised group ride ending at a pre-arranged venue. All these occasions are advertised on our website and on the official Facebook group so that members are kept up to date.
We encourage members to wear their colours on all bike outings, even if it is not an official VOG organised event. In doing so, we promote our identity and show pride in presenting the VOG patch to other groups.
Annual tours are not a commitment made to the membership, but there are occasions when we embark on a planned group tour, whether it be a weekend adventure or a longer outing.
Many national biking rallies are favourites amongst individual members who attend and proudly represent VOG in their club colours.
Our specially curated challenges are not races but most require tenacity and so​me endurance, where the intent is to provide an opportunity to discover new horizons. These are for members only and their nominated pillion riders who enjoy touring and long distance riding.
An official VOG challenge provides either a destination or a route that is to be followed. Registration is essential to qualify for bragging rights and to be awarded an official medallion for every VOG challenge completed.