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VOG Formation Officer


A VOG Formation Officer is an accredited and competent person who has successfully passed the appropriate curriculum in the skills and understanding of the VOG Riding Rules as well as displaying a calm and confident capability to lead a formation in conditions that enhance rider safety.


VOG encourages all members to embark upon this training course as a personal contribution to their own bikemanship firstly but also as a benefit to both biking and motorist sectors as well. The greater a bikers’ appreciation for reciprocal courtesy to others, the safer our roadways will become.


Any member may apply to the VOG National Captain of Biking for enrollment in the programme.


Email under subject heading “Formation Officer Training enrollment”






























VOG Steering Committee


The Steering Committee takes up the community leadership of V.O.G which is structured through these nominated and elected officers, who nurture the development and stability of all aspects of the membership nationally through the concept of area Cell's. (Chapters in some terminology) Cells are however not autonomous and are linked back to the administration for optimised interaction and communication and exist for the benefit of close-knitting and nurturing owners / members in localised cell areas.


Steering Committee Members (SCM's) operate on two levels, the first is to enculture and foster an attitude of brotherhood in ownership, whilst the second level of responsibility is collective governance and social control in managing the membership. This to encourage maturity and responsibility of the motorcyclist, as an owner on the one hand and a rider on the other.


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